
This is my Grammy's ring. She was my dad's mother, and though I never had the privilege of meeting this beautiful lady, I've heard wonderful things about her. She was strong, loving, caring and everything a good mother should be. My dad talks about her often and reminds me of how much alike she and I are, and how much I would have loved her. I've had days that I've broken down and cried over not being able to talk to her. How can you be so sad about someone you've never even met? Well, I have. I've always felt a strong connection with her, even having never met her. I feel like we would have been kindred spirits, and she would have understood things about my own soul that I have yet to understand. This "mother's ring"  was left behind when she passed on. Each stone represents the life of each of her sons.  Though she never wore this ring, she wanted it to be passed on to her first born granddaughter. I didn't get it right away, because I was not yet born when she passed. Instead, her sister, my Aunt Clairene, held onto it for safe keeping. When she passed on, her other sister, my dear Aunt Jackie, sent it to me in the mail. When I received the ring, I was overwhelmed with emotion. There is something so special about holding a memory that is so tangible in the palm of your hands. I've always been told that I had my Grammy's hands, along with her humor, and so many other traits that she had. Now, understand, I will never wear this ring. It was a gift to her that she held dear to her heart, just like it is a gift to me that I will hold will hold dear to mine. It is simply a keep sake for me to remember my beautiful Grammy by, but I was curious to see if it would fit. When I slid the ring onto my finger, to my pleasant surprise it fit perfectly! I couldn't help but pull both of my hands close to my heart, as tears welled up in my eyes. I know it may seem strange, but in that moment, I felt like she was right there with me. I couldn't have received this treasure at a more perfect time. It's crazy how God fits moments together in life like a perfect puzzle. If I had received this gift the year she died, I may not have understood what a treasure I was holding. But as a 24 year old woman, who has been through a lot in life, just like everyone has, this treasure came at just the right time. I keep it on my night stand, and when I'm happy or sad, I look over at it, and for a moment I feel like everything will be just fine. It's almost as if I can feel her holding me in that moment, just sending little encouragements that we all need from time to time. I never met you, Grammy, but oh, how I love you. Until we meet on that glorious day, I'll be here missing you.