When in New York

I don't know their story. They could be married, engaged, or only beginning their journey together. Whatever the case may be, this image has become one of my favorites that I captured from our christmas trip to NYC. It was 10pm and we decided to stroll down to Times Square just to take in everything. So many exciting things happen in Times Square. You may look to your left and see a street performer giving it everything they've got just hoping they will collect more than $100 in tips and perhaps even get discovered. You can look to your right and see someone giving out free hugs, or someone dressed up as one of your favorite characters offering to get a picture with you (for a tip of course..don't be fooled). You can look behind you and see a child on his dad's shoulders with his eyes wide open in wonder looking at all of the lights and many exciting things going on around him. I saw all of these things, and may have even seen a few things I didn't necessarily want to see (it is NYC after all)...But when I put my eye up to my view finder and began trying to find the perfect moment to capture, I saw this. I heard the sound of my shutter "click" and for a moment everything faded into silence and all that was left was a smile across my face, because I had just witnessed two people in the midst of all of the craziness around them sharing one of the best things God has ever so graciously given us...Love.

Taking in the wonder on dad's shoulders

Taking in the wonder on dad's shoulders

Seriously the best hug I've ever recieved.

Seriously the best hug I've ever recieved.